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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kalite,Çevre ve Güvenlik
English Quality Environment & Safety
Course Code
KMM 434 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 - - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ahmet Alper Aydın
Alper Sarıoğlan
Nalan Erdöl Aydın
Halil Dertli
Ali Öztürk
Course Objectives 1. To provide information on environment, health and safety (2, 4).

2. To provide knowledge on regulations and laws, national and international standards and their implantation in chemical engineering applications (2, 4).

3. To provide information on concept of total quality (2).

4. To develop student’s skills in written and oral communication in Turkish (3).

5. To give students an awareness of professional and ethical responsibility (4).
Course Description Management Systems (quality-environment-safety), Chemical Industry and Chemical Processes, Energy and Environment Relationships, Globalization, Standardization, Sustainability, Turkish Environmental Law and Regulations, Wastes and Pollution Prevention, International Programs, Engineering Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility, Total Quality Management, TS EN ISO 9001:2015, EFQM Business Excellence Model, Environmental Management System, TS EN ISO 14001:2015, Issues Related to Health and Safety in Chemical Industry, TS ISO 45001, Risk Management, MSDS and Management of Hazardous Chemicals, Implementation of Responsible Care in Chemical Industry, Integration of Management Systems.
Course Outcomes Students will be able to:

1. Apply total quality concept to a given case. (2, 4)

2. Conduct studies on quality management system according to TS EN ISO 9001:2015 for any branch of chemical industry. (2)

3. Apply codes and regulations on environment for a given case. (2, 4)

4. Conduct studies on environmental management system according to TS EN ISO 14001:2015 for any branch of chemical industry. (2, 4)

5. Solve problems based on waste management of solid, liquid and gas residues and energy recovery in industry. (2, 4)

6. Conduct studies on occupational health and process safety system according to TS ISO 45001 for any branch of chemical industry. (2, 4)

7. Use materials safety data sheets properly for hazardous chemicals and manage these chemicals. (2, 4)

8. Prepare written reports and present them orally in Turkish. (3)

9. Gain demonstration knowledge on professional and ethical responsibility. (4)
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities --
Other --
Textbook ---
Other References ---
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