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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Toz Metalurjisi
English Powder Metallurgy
Course Code
MET 475E Credit Lecture
Semester 7
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Burak Özkal
Burak Özkal
Course Objectives 1. To introduce the field of Powder Metallurgy and engineering applications; from historical background to contemporary advanced applications
2. To introduce and explain basic methodologies and techniques for metal powder production
3. To describe important powder characteristics, and related characterization techniques.
4. To explain basic shaping and consolidation technologies applied in P/M and preparation necessary powder mixtures necessary to them.
5. To explain sintering phenomena and related sintering technologies
6. To provide information on secondary operations applied in P/M and introduce some of contemporary P/M engineering applications.
Course Description This course aims to introduce powder metallurgy (P/M) technique and its engineering applications.P/M is a processing approach which is a subdivision of metalworking technologies. It offers net-shape or near-net-shape fabrication which is a key objective and main advantages of this method compared to other competative processes. The process basicly involves transforming powders into consolidated products while desired material properties are attained via adjusting initial powder chemistry, selecting shaping technology, applying necessary sintering practice and heat treatments to reach final microstructure
Course Outcomes 1. To understand the field of Powder Metallurgy and learn basic engineering need to use this technique.
2. To learn different metal powder production methods and general trends in powder production.
3. To understand basic powder characteristics and how to control them.
4. To understand powder compaction process and different shaping technologies and necessary powder treatments.
5. To learn basic sintering theory and various sintering densification methodologies and related technology.
6. To learn different secondary operations applied in P/M and some of contemporary P/M engineering applications.
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities None
Other Each student will prepare a Term Paper related to contemporary P/M engineering applications and present it during last two weeks the semester. According to number of students enrolled to the course this work is either performed individually or as in groups and will be decided by lecturer.
Textbook Powder Metallurgy Science, Randall M. German, MPIF, 1994
Other References - Powder Metal Technologies and Applications, ASM Handbook Vol:7, 1998.
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