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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Geomatik Mühendisliğinde İleri Programlama
English Advance. Progr. in Geom. Eng.
Course Code
GEO 462E Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ergin Tarı
Course Objectives The course aims to provide students the ability of solving common problems in geomatics engineering using basic programming skills.
Course Description It is a course containing topics of frequently confronted programming task in geomatics engineering.
Course Outcomes Students who completes this course successfully
CLO (Course Learning Outcomes)
1 Generate the fundamental computations by programming
2 Operate the matrix and arrays via computer files
3 Perform and use data structures and data sources used in geomatics engineering
4 Compose and develop programs for the solutions of geometrical problems
5 Describe and compute the shortest path algorithm
6 Describe and compute basic curve and surface fitting algorithms
Pre-requisite(s) GEO106E Temel Programlama Bilgisi
(Fundamentals of Programming)
Required Facilities
Other References
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