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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Ölçme Bilgisi I
English Surveying
Course Code
JDF 112 Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 2 - 1
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Mehmet Ufuk Özerman
Course Objectives 1. Teaching the basic surveying and problem-solving methods
2. Teaching the usage of the geodesic instruments, and field applications for different surveying methods
3. Giving a sound and fundamental understanding of the basic scientific, mathematical and engineering principles underlying technology and develop the ability to analyze, interpret and apply survey data.
Course Description Fundamentals of basic surveying, problem-solving methods, using of the geodesic instruments, and field applications.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course successfully will be able to;
1. explain measurement errors.
2. apply and evaluate basic coordinate and elevation calculations.
3. apply tacheometric measurement and chart calculations.
4. apply and evaluate distance, angle and elevation difference measurements (by using steel tape, theodolite and level)
Required Facilities
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