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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Geomatik Müh. Tasarımı I
English Geomatics Eng. Design I
Course Code
GEO 4901 Credit Lecture
Semester 7
4 1 6 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Zaide Duran
Course Objectives The aim of the course is,
To offer an opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills given in previous courses
and complete a work with acceptable quality.
To provide experience in carrying out a literature search in a professional work in
accurate manner.
To provide the ability to communicate effectively in Turkish or English orally and in
writing about a completed Work.
Course Description A project requiring experimental and/or theoretical studies to a specific subject
related to chemical engineering that will contribute to the professional development
of students before graduation.
Course Outcomes Students, who passed the course successfully are able to;
1. Use mathematics, basic science and engineering knowledge gained in prior
coursework to solve Geomatics engineering problems.
2. Reach and use information on a given topic related to Geomatics Engineering.
3. Prepare a written report in Turkish/English, deliver an oral presentation.
4. Discuss and defend an engineering solution from different points of view.
Pre-requisite(s) no
Required Facilities
Other References
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