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Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 Introduction: Principles of statics, vectors
2 Equilibrium of a particle in two and three dimensions, addition of vectors, sine and cosine rules
3 Scalar product and Cross product of vectors, definition of moment, Varignon’s theorem, moment of a couple, equivalent force systems
4 Scalar product and Cross product of vectors, definition of moment, Varignon’s theorem, moment of a couple, equivalent system of forces
5 The free body diagram, supports, support reactions, statically determinate systems
Planar forces, resultant of a force system, equations of equilibrium
Resultant of a force system and equations of equilibrium in three dimensions
6 Center of gravity, theorems of Pappus-Guldinus.
Distributed loads and hydrostatics forces
7 Trusses and solution methods, Space trusses and solution methods
Frames and solution methods
9 Trusses and solution methods, Space trusses and solution methods
Frames and solution methods
Machines and solution methods
10 Loads, beams, Gerber beams, stress resultant diagrams, Cables
11 Friction (dry friction)
12 Moments of Inertia
13 Moments of Inertia
14 Virtual work, stability of equilibrium and potential energy
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