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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yapı Malzemesi
English Building Materials
Course Code
INS 230E Credit Lecture
Semester 4
- 2 - 1
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Özgür Ekincioğlu
Course Objectives 1.To teach components of structural materials
2.Usage of structural materials
3.Development of structrual materials
Course Description Metals. Polymers and Timber. Cementituous materials and portland cement.
Mixing water. Concrete aggregates. Properties of concrete. Durability.
Concrete mix design. Shrinkage hardened concrete properties. Admixtures.
Concrete production. Quality control. Special concretes. Ceramics and
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. Timber and Polymers.
2. Binding Materials.
3. Concrete-Constituent Materials: Cement.
4. Concrete-Constituent Materials: Aggregates.
5. Concrete-Constituent Materials: Water.
6. Concrete-Constituent Materials: Concrete Admixtures.
7. Concrete Mix Design.
8. Properties of Fresh and Hardened Concrete.
9. Quality control of concrete.
10. Special concretes, brickwork and blockwork.
Pre-requisite(s) INS 201 MIN DD
or INS 201E MIN DD
or INS 215 MIN DD
or INS 215E MIN DD
or MAL 201 MIN DD
or MAL 201E MIN DD
Required Facilities
Other Course include some laboratory works.
Textbook 1. Materials for Civil and Construction Engineers: Michael S. Mamlouk and John P. Zaniewski, third (international) edition, Pearson Education Inc. (2011).
2. Class notes
Other References 1. Yapı Malzemesi, İTÜ İnşaat Fakültesi, 1991, Prof. Dr. M. Süheyl AKMAN
2. Beton: Cilt I (Çimento), Cilt II (Agrega ve beton), Teknik Kitaplar Yayınevi, 1986-1987, Prof. Dr. Bekir POSTACIOĞLU
3. Malzeme Bilimi, Bilim Teknik Yayınevi, 2006, Kaşif ONARAN
4. Properties of Concrete, Prentice Hall, Fourth Edition, London, 2000, A. M. Neville
5. Lea’s Chemistry of Cement and Concrete, Fourth Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann; Fourth Edition, 2004, Peter Hewlett
6. Concrete: Microstructure, Properties and Materials, McGraw-Hill Professional, Third Edition, 2005, Kumar Mehta
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