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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Temel İnşaatı I
English Foundation Engineering I
Course Code
INS 332E Credit Lecture
Semester 6
- 2 1 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Musaffa Ayşen Lav
Course Objectives Course Objectives :
1 - To give a good knowledge about the main subjects of foundation engineering
2 - To express the importance of foundation engineering in the scope of civil engineering by proper examples
3 - To express the importance of professional know-how and background by several cases
Course Description Course Content :
Introduction to geotechnical engineering. Site investigation and in-situ soil tests; soil borings, soil sampling, inspection pits, inspection boreholes, in-situ tests performed during boring tests, dynamic and static penetration tests, permeability tests, Vane and pressuremeter tests. Slope Stability; natural slope stability, slope failures, preventing landslides, slope stability analysis methods. Retaining structures; earth pressures, gravity retaining structures, dimensioning and principles for calculations. Lateral earth pressure, sheet piles, dimensioning and principles for calculations. Shallow foundations; bearing capacity and settlement of shallow foundations, factors affecting the shallow foundations bearing capacity, formulae for bearing capacity, allowable bearing capacity, applications. Deep foundations; designing deep foundations, pile types, pile design, caissons, footings. Bearing capacity of deep foundations, static pile bearing capacity formula, dynamic pile formula, pile load tests and soil improvement; soil improvement methods, compaction methods.
Course Outcomes Learning Outcomes :
1 - Learn why geotechnical engineering is needed
2 - Learn what soil investigation and geotechnical report is and what are content of the report and how to prepare it.
3 - Analyse the stability of a slope. Suggest improvement techniques for slope failures.
4 - Calculate lateral earth pressures acting on a retaining structure
5 - Design a retaining structure
6 - Calculate the bearing capacity of a foundation base soil
7 - Design a shallow foundation
8 - Determine the deep foundation types and learn the design criterias of them
9 - Suggest a proper technique for soil improvement.
10 - Know compaction of fill deposits by proper techniques.
Required Facilities
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