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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Geo.Müh.İşçi Sağlığı & İş Güv.
English Occupational Health and Safety in Geomatics
Course Code
JDF 274 Credit Lecture
Semester 4
1 1 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Hasan Hakan Yavaşoğlu
Course Objectives The course objectives are;
1. Personalizing the Geomatic Engineering Students with a character that is aware of the engagements and standards predicted by laws and regulations on occupational safety and health issues
2. Enabling Geomatic Engineering Students to develop skills on employee health and occupation safety organizations at the institutions/companies in which they are employed.
Course Description Occupational safety and health concepts for Geomatic Engineers, its importance and components, information about laws, regulations, and standards, maintaining an adaptation of students on safety issues in principle, informing about occupational accidents together with their sources and actions, determining individual and organizational purview by maintaining an awaareness of responsibilities and engagements.
Course Outcomes Students completing this course;
a. are going to gain the conscious of professional athics and responsibility together with the ability of forming/folowing/managing legal and humanely systems and organizations, which are required by occupational safety and health issues, at their work places.
b. are going to behave conscious on the issues of providing a healthy and safe work place for not only themselves but also any other colleagues and workers, taking precautions for sateted workimg environment and implementing it.
Required Facilities
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