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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Çevre Kor. Uzaktan Alg.ve CBS
English Protection of Environment with Remote Sensing and CBS
Course Code
JDF 330 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Esra Erten
Course Objectives 1. Building basic remote sensing analysis and establish infrastructure,
2. Remotely sensed data used with software, digital data can be process with different methods
Course Description Introduction to Remote Sensing, Contents, Application Areas, Definitions, History. Energy sources and radiation principles, energy interactions in the atmosphere. Elements of Digital Image Processing, Pixel, resolution. Digital Image Fundamentals, Imaging Geometry, Grey Level Histogram. Elements of Visual Perception. Preprocessing, Image Enhancement, Geometric and Radiometric Correction, Contrast Enhancement, Linear Contrast Enhancement. , Classification, unsupervised classification,. Supervised Classification, Examples. Error Matrix. Accuracy Assesment. Application digital practice
Course Outcomes 1. Remotely sensed digital data(Rsdd) can be process and enhanced by students.
2. Rsdd can be process using (RS-T) for geometric correction by the students.
3. Rsdd can be process using RS-T for radiometric correction by the students.
4. Rsdd can be process usingRS-T for uncontrolled classification by the students.
5. Rsdd can be process using RS-T for controlled classification by the students.
6. Remotely sensed and classified digital data can be process using RS-T by the students.
7. Rsdd and classified can be calculated for area using RS-T by the students.
Pre-requisite(s) Remote Sensing I
Required Facilities Computer
Textbook http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/earth-sciences/geomatics/satellite-imagery-air-photos/satellite-imagery-products/educational-resources/9309

Digital Image Processing, Showengert, 2003
Other References
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