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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Computer and Informatics / BLG 231 / Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 Number systems, arithmetical operations with binary numbers
2 Fundamentals of Boolean Algebra
Logic functions, canonical and standard forms
3 Minimization of logical functions: Determining prime implicants using Karnaugh maps. Finding essential and sufficient prime implicants.
4 Logic gates. Implementation of logic functions using only NAND (NOR) gates.
5 Determining prime implicants using Tabular (Quine-McCluskey) method. Finding essential and sufficient prime implicants.
6 Midterm
7 MSI building blocks (Adders, multiplexers). Design of combinational logic circuits using these devices.
8 Decoders, Programmable Logic devices (PLD). Design of combinational logic circuits using these devices.
9 Latches and flip-flops
10 Analysis of synchronous sequential circuits
11 Design of synchronous sequential circuits
12 Midterm
13 Electrical Behavior of logic circuits, TTL family
14 Characteristics of CMOS family
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