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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mikroişlemci Sistemleri
English Microprocessor Systems
Course Code
BLG 212E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ali Bahadır
Ali Bahadır
Course Objectives 1. to understand number systems and data representation in computer.
2. to idendify and outline the architecture of computers.
3. Memory and memory design.
4. Architecture of CPU.
5. Adressing methods and generic instructions set.
6. to describe the principles of interfacing.
7. to explain the programming concepts for microprocessors.
8. to have a basic knowledge of some popular microprocessors.
Course Description Introduction to computer and microprocessor-based systems. Number systems, binary arithmetic and data representation. Memory and memory expansion. CPU architecture. Addressing methods. A generic microprocessor and its architecture. Addressing modes and instructions set. Input/Output: parallel and serial I/O devices. Peripheral devices. Subroutine, interrupt and stack structure. Data transfer. The assembly language and directives. Design of a microprocessor based system
Course Outcomes 1. Have basic knowledge of data representation in computer.
2. Understand of memory and memory design.
3. Identify CPU, addressing methods and instruction set.
4. Idendify the assembly programming.
5. Input/output interface and design
6. Understand the stack operation, subprogram and interrupt service routine.
7. Identify the structure of microprocessor-based systems.
8. Analyse and design a digital system by using of microprocessors.
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