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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Hareket Kontrol Sistemleri
English Motion Control Systems
Course Code
KON 437 Credit Lecture
Semester 7
3 2 - 2
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ali Fuat Ergenç
Course Objectives 1. Introduction of motion control systems and details of mechanisms.
2. Introduction of modeling principles for translational/rotational motion, electric motor and load characteristics, inertia and transmission components.
3. Use of developed models in simulations and preparation for the design of controllers.
4. Development of the foundation necessary for control engineering tools. For the effective use of modeling, transfer functions, and stability analysis.
5. Providing knowledge on control algorithms used in industrial motion control systems.
6. Use Matlab and Simulink software programs to apply motion control applications.
7. Provide laboratory opportunities to the students to introduce some mechanisms, servo motor and drivers and to apply their control algorithms.
Course Description Introduction to motion control systems: mechanisms, transmission elements, actuators used in motion control systems, sensors, feedback components, and drives. Controllers in motion control systems: cascade controllers, feedforward controllers; examples of motion control applications
Course Outcomes
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