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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Optimal Kontrole Giriş
English Intr. to Optimal Control
Course Code
KON 428E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Osman Kaan Erol
Course Objectives 1.To train students to understand the concept of optimization and optimal control .
2.To train students to solve optimization problems with and without constraints.
3.To train students to understand the importance of the performance measures and constraints in
optimal control problems.
4.To train students to solve some optimal control problems.
5.To provide practice for developing critical thinking .
Course Description Introduction to Optimization and Optimal Control Problems, Basic Mathematical Concepts, Unconstrained
Optimization, Lagrange Multipliers Method, Kuhn Tucker Conditions, Performance Measures, Parameter
Optimization in Optimal Control Problems, Numerical Optimization Methods in Optimal Kontrol
Problems, Calculus of Variations, Calculus of Variations in Optimal Control Problems, Linear Regulator
Course Outcomes Students who successfully complete this course will be able to
I. Define and classify Optimization and Optimal Control problems, know the required basic
mathematical definitions and concepts
II. Solve optimization problems without constraints
III. Solve optimization problems with equality constraints
IV. Solve optimization problems with inequality constraints
V. Know the performance measures in optimal control problems
VI. Solve parameter optimization problems in optimal control
VII. Understand the calculus of variations
VIII. Use Calculus of Variations in Optimal Control Problems
IX. Solve Linear Regulator Problem,
Pre-requisite(s) .
Required Facilities .
Textbook D.E. Kirk (1970), “Optimal Control Theory”, Prentice-Hall INC, New Jersey, USA, ISBN: 13-638098-0
R.K. Sundaram (1996), “A First Course in Optimization Theory” Cambridge University Press, ISBN:0-521-49770
I. McCausland(1969), “Introduction to Optimal Control ”, John Wiley and Sons, USA, ISBN: 68-30918
D.A.Pierre (1986), “Optimal Control Theory”, Prentice-Hall INC, New Jersey, USA, ISBN: 13-638098-0
M. Osborne , “Mathematical Methods in Economic Theory”, www.chas.utoronto.ca/osborne/MathTutorial
Other References
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