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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yüksek Gerilim Tekniğinde Boşalma Olayları
English Discharge Phenomena in High Voltage Techniques
Course Code
ELK 473 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Kevork Mardikyan
Course Objectives 1) In order to minimize power losses in energy transmission and distribution systems , line voltages have to be continuously increased. As a consequence of this discharge phenomena in high-voltage techniques became a basic field of study for electrical engineers .
2) Thus the knowledge of the properties of gases , vacuum and plasmas , as well as of liquid and solid dielectrics , is of fundamental importance in high-voltage technology.
3) The main purpose of this course is to deal with theoretical and experimental study of breakdown mechanisms in gaseous , liquid and solid dielectrics.
Course Description Kinetic Gas Theory: Basic Knowledge. Ionization Processes: ionization by Collision, Photoionization, Thermal Ionization, Electron Detachment. Decay Processes:Recombination, Attachment, Diffusion. Uniform Field Breakdown: Townsend Theory, Paschen's Law. Streamer Theory. Corona Discharge. Lightning Discharge. Arc Discharge. Breakdown in Solids, Breakdown in Liquids.
Course Outcomes 1) Kinetic gas theory, ionization processes, decay processes
2) Uniform and non-uniform field breakdown theories
3) Corona discharge, lightning discharge, arc discharge
4) Breakdown in solids, breakdown in liquids
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