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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Sistem Modeleme ve Simülaysonu
English System Modelling & Simulation
Course Code
KON 301E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 2 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Hakan Temeltaş
Course Objectives 1. To train students to model and simulate of dynamical system.
2. To teach students to develop accurate mathematical models for mechanical, electrical, electromechanical, fluid, thermal and mixed systems and make linearization of nonlinear systems.
3. To teach students to solve response of dynamical systems analytically and numerically.
4. To provide experience in using Matlab/Simulink/SimScape to solve control engineering problems.
5. To provide practice for developing critical thinking skills and solving open ended problems.
Course Description Introduction to system modelling and simulation, model representation, model analysis approaches, mechanical systems, friction, electrical systems, electromechanical systems, fluid systems, thermal Systems, kinematics modelling, Newton-Euler equation of motion, system simulation
Course Outcomes Students who successfully complete this course will be able to
I. Understand the importance of modelling and simulation of dynamical systems in control engineering
II. Model the dynamical systems in both frequency and time domains
III. Understanding signal-flow and energy flow representation of system
IV. Use block diagrams
V. Develop accurate mathematical models for mechanical, electrical, electromechanical, fluid, thermal, and mixed systems,
VI. Make linearization for nonlinear dynamical systems
VII. Ability to create kinematic motion models of rigid bodies
VIII. To be able to create the equations of motion of mechanical systems with Newton-Euler approach
IX. Use software tools to model, analyze and simulate linear and nonlinear dynamical systems
Required Facilities
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