Course Name
Turkish |
Elektrikli ve Karma Taşıtlar
English |
Electric and Hybrid Vehicles |
Course Code
ELK 428 |
Credit |
(hour/week) |
(hour/week) |
(hour/week) |
Semester |
3 |
3 |
- |
- |
Course Language |
Turkish |
Course Coordinator |
Murat Yılmaz
Murat Yılmaz
Course Objectives |
1. To teach the basic structural elements of a vehicle which is covered by electrical engineering topics.
2. To give basic knowledge about electric and hybrid vehicles in various configuration and their design works.
3. To teach the evaluation criterions of a vehicle then focus it on the electric and hybrid vehicles.
4.To give the design ability of an electric or hybrid vehicle by using the knowledge is gained from the class which is supported by suitable projects and homeworks.
Course Description |
Analysis of the basic structure and dynamic model of a vehicle. Definition of emission, range and performance criterions. Energy storage, propulsion and their dedicated control systems of electric and hybrid vehicles. Calculation of the necessary mechanical power to move the vehicle by using the given vehicle, load, performance and range data and completing of the basic design work for the sub-systems. Technology and materials which improve the performance of the electric and hybrid vehicles.
Course Outcomes |
1. To use technological and mathematical knowledge to realize an electric or hybrid vehicle design.
2. To determine the most suitable accumulator type, voltage and capacity for a specific car and to design the controller for the charging and discharging states of the batteries.
3. To design a control system this controls the speed and power flow direction of the electrical machines.
4. To design a control system this controls the duty sharing between internal combustion engine and electrical machine on a hybrid vehicle. |
Pre-requisite(s) |
Elektrikli ve Karma Taşıtlar dersi için herhangi bir önkoşul bulunmamaktadır, ancak dersteki başarı aşağıda temel başlıkları verilen konulardaki bilgi birikimine bağlıdır.
1. Temel elektrik mühendisliği kavramları
2. Elektrik mühendisliği temel simülasyon programları
3. Sistem modelleme
4. Devre analizi: AC ve DC elektrik devrelerinin sürekli ve geçici durumlarda analizi
5. AC devrelerde fazör kavramı ve analizi, ortalama ve efektif değer hesabı, üç fazlı sistemler, fourier analizi, harmonik, güç faktörü, ileri ve geri-güç faktörü kavramı6. Bir fazlı ve üç fazlı sistemlerde görünür, aktif ve reaktif güç
7. Komplex sayılar, integral, türev, matris vb. matematiksel kavramlar
8. Enerji depolama sistemleri
9. Elektrik makinaları ve kontrolü
10. Güç elektroniği devreleri
Bu ve benzeri konular her ne kadar ders içersinde temel olarak ele alınacak olsa bile, dersin temel içeriği olmadığından ayrıntılı olarak ele alınmayacağından, öğrencilerin bu konularda yeteri kadar bilgi birikimine sahip olması beklenecek, kendisini bu konularda yetersiz gören öğrencilerden bu eksikliklerin referens kitap ve daha önceki ders notlarından kapatması beklenecektir. |
Required Facilities |
MATLAB or Mathematica
Simulink or VisSim
Pspice, PSIM, ORCAD or Electronic Workbench
C, C++ or Fortran
Word, Excel, Power Point |
Other |
Textbook |
Mehrdad Ehsani, Yimin Gao, Sebastien E. Gay, Ali Emadi, Modern Electric, Hybrid Textbook Electric & Fuel Cell Vehicles Fundamentals, Theory, and Design, CRC Press, 2005. |
Other References |
J. Larminie and J. Lowry, Electric Vehicle Technology Explained. New York: John Wiley, 2003.
A. Emadi, M. Ehsani, and J.M. Miller, Vehicular Electric Power Systems: Land, Sea, Air, and Space Vehicles. New York: Marcel Dekker, 2003.
Ron Hodkinson and John Fenton, Lightweight Electric/Hybrid Vehicle Design, Reed Educational and Professional Publishing Ltd., 2001.
Sandeep Dhameja, Electric Vehicle Battery Systems, Butterworth–Heinemann, 2002.
E. H. Wakefield, History of the Electric Automobile, The Society of Automobile Engineers, Warrendale, 1994.
Westbrook M.H., 2001, “The electric and Hibrid Electric Car.”, SAE, London.
Husain I., 2003, “ Electric and Hybrid Vehicles Design Fundamentals”, CRC Presss, New York.
Jefferson C.M., Barnard R.H., 2002, “Hybrid Vehicle Propulsion”, WIT Press, Boston.
Chan C.C ve Chau K.T 2001, “Modern Electric Vehicle Technology”, Oxford University Press, New York .
Chan C.C., 2002. “The State of the Art of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles”, Proceedings of the IEEE, 90, 247-275.
Ders konuları ile ilgili IEEE ve Elsevier makaleleri. |