ISL 450E - Productivity and Performance Analysis in Production
Course Objectives
inform students about the topics in productivity management.
To teach the basic concepts and components of productivity analysis and performance management together with the basic methods, principles and techniques for analyzing, designing, improving, managing productivity and performance by using application practices.
To provide a systematical, analytical and managerial perspective for benefiting from productivity analysis and performance management techniques and methods in solving process/ organization/ management related problems, by explaining the role of these techniques in improving effectiveness and competitive advantage in enterprises/organizations.
Course Description
Productivity Concepts and Definitions; Productivity Measurement at the Organizational Level; Normative Productivity Measurement Methodology; Multi-factor Productivity Measurement Models; Multi-criteria Performance/Productivity Measurement Technique; Organizational Self-Assessment; Productivity Improvement: Business Process Reengineering, Benchmarking; Productivity Improvement Strategies: Hoshin Kanri, Designing Productivity Management Systems
Course Coordinator
Nihan Yıldırım
Course Language