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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Marine Electrotechnics
English Marine Electrotechnics
Course Code
MST 241 Credit Lecture
Semester 4
- 2 - 1
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ali Sinan Çabuk
Course Objectives In the course, it is aimed to introduce to marine engineering and his/her duties and responsibilities, ship electrical systems and their knowledge.
Course Description D.C. machines’ construction, properties and operation principles, equivalent circuit diagrams, basic equations, types of excitation, armature reaction, commutation. Generator and motor characteristics, speed control and starting characteristics. Loading and phase diagrams. A.C. machines, properties and operation principles. Construction of single and three phase machines, determination of the parameters of the equivalent circuit in the three phase asynchronous machines. Electromotor power, rotational fields. Loading and phase diagrams. Rotational and turndown momentum; computer aided analysis of starting, brake and speed control methods.
Construction of synchronous machines, excitation field. Armature reaction in synchronous generators and motors, phase diagrams of the equivalent circuit. Loaded and unloaded characteristics. Synchronization, starting in synchronous motors. Active, reactive power adjustment, torque. Synchronous- asynchronous motor, high frequency motors, linear machines, brake motors, vibration motors, Schrage’s motor, single and multiphase commutator motors, hysterisis. Parallel operation of A.C./D.C. generators. Converters. Testing and maintenance methods (A.C. and D.C. generators and motors, circuit breakers and starters.)
Course Outcomes Students are going to have knowledge of ship electrical systems. They are going to be successful troubleshooters while they have been come face to face any problem in ship.
Required Facilities
Textbook Giorgio Rizzoni, “Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering,” 4th Edition, McGraw-Hill , 2011.
Gemi Elektriği, Fethi Eralp, İstanbul, İTÜ, 1987
Boat Electrical Systems, Dag Pike London, Butterworths, 1992
Elektroteknik I, A. Hamdi Saçkan, Istanbul, 1996
Gemi Elektriği, Fahrettin Küçükşahin, Istanbul, Akademi Denizcilik, 2000
Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications, Fourth Edition, Allan R. Hambley, Prentice Hall Pearson Education, 2008.
Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku, “Fundamentals of Electric Circuits,” McGraw-Hill College, 2003.
Thomas L. Floyd, “Electric Circuits Fundamentals (8th Edition),” Prentice Hall, 2004
Elektroteknik, Ahmet Akhunlar,4. Baskı, İ.T.Ü., 1975 
 A. E. Fitzgerald, Electric machinery, McGraw-Hill, 2002.
S. J. Chapman, Electric Machinery Fundamentals, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1999.
Other References
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