CHZ 452E - Mineral Process. & Environment
Course Objectives
1.Relationship between pollution, ecosystem and human healthy
2.Teaching of ore dressing facilities and environmental effects
3. Description, classification and disposal methods for tailings and regulatories.
4.Hazardous wastes in mineral processing and hazardous waste management
5. Assesment and management of ore dressing plants, closure and rehabilitation
Course Description
Ecosystem, The effect of pollution to the ecosystem and human healthy, Environmental law, and environmental impact assessment, Effects of mining activities on environment , Mine closure and post mining use of land, Environmental effects of ore dressing facilities, Description and classification of ore dressing tailings, Disposing and handling of solid, liquid, gaseous and chemical waste in mineral processing, Regulatory of waste disposal and tailings dams, Sources of hazardous waste in mineral processing and environmental effects, Risk assessment and management of hazardeous wastes, Coal preparation, utilization and environmental effects, Clean coal technologies, Closure and site hehabilitation of ore dressing plants
Course Coordinator
Fırat Burat
Course Language