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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Deniz Jeofiziği
English Marine Geophysics
Course Code
JEF 430E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Mustafa Emin Demirbağ
Course Objectives 1. To provide basic knowledge in marine geophysical methods (instrumentation, data acquisition, and processing),
2. To give an ability in recognizing problems in the scope of marine geology and geophysics,
3. To develop an ability for interpretation of marine geophysical data,
Course Description Research vessels, navigation systems, bathymetric data collection
(single beam and multibeam systems), side scan sonar systems,
multichannel seismic reflection data, subbottom profiling systems
(SBP, chirp systems), other marine geophysical instruments (ROV, AUV),
processing, mapping and interpretation of the marine geophysical data,
relation to offshore active tectonics, exploration and engineering problems.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to have knowledge about:
1. The technical and working principles of the navigation systems,
2. Bathymetry and side scan sonar systems,
3. Multichannel seismic reflection and other acoustic systems (SBP, Chirp, ROV, AUV etc.),
4. Other marine geophysical systems,
5. The processing, mapping and interpretation of the marine geophysical data,
6.Application to offshore active tectonics, exploration and engineering problems.
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities None
Other None
Textbook Jones, E.J.W., 1999, Marine Geophysics, Wiley Blackwell, Chichester,
474 pages
Other References
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