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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Gemi İnş.&Gem.Mak.Müh.Gir.&Etk
English Introduction to Naval Architecture and Marine Enginnering and Ethics
Course Code
GEM 101 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
2 2 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Şebnem Helvacıoğlu
Course Objectives 1. Introductory knowledge of ships and naval architecture,
2. To establish an understanding of stages, methods and tools for ship design,
3. To give very basic knowledge on components of a ship, ship types, ship layout and system integration,
4. To introduce social, technical and economic constraints on ship design and to introduce a review of relevant maritime regulations in a very basic form,
5. To improve skills of presentation and report writing,
6. Additionally ethic and professional responsibilities of a naval architect in the process of ship design are introduced as a vital part of undergraduate education,
7. The course aims to enhance the individual skills as well as group work skills by means of lectures, class assignments and group projects.
Course Description Definitions of ship and naval architecture:
• Types of ships and general arrangement plan.
• Ship weight and components.
• Ship geometry and form plan.
• Ship hydrostatic and stability.
• Rules and regulations.
• Ship resistance and propulsion.
• The structure components of ships and construction types.
• Ship machinery and systems.
• Materials used in ship production.
• Ship production and shipyards.
• Engineering Ethics.
Course Outcomes Be familiar with the concepts of ships and naval architecture,
2. To understand conpenents of ship concept such as material, production, weight, economic etc.,
3. Be aware of basic maritime regulations
4. Be aware of computer tools used in ship science such as spread sheets, CAD programs
5. Develop leadership characteristics and able to carry on research on the given assignments
6. Able to do team work and learns the rules of team works
7. Understands engineering ethics
Pre-requisite(s) There is no
Required Facilities
Textbook Van Dokkum K., Ship Knowledge: A Modern Encyclopedia, Dokmar, 2003, Netherlands
NİNOVA Lecture Notes
Other References
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