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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Gemi ve DenizTeknolojisi Mühendisliği Tasarımı II
English Shipbuilding and Ocean Engineering Design II
Course Code
DEN 4902E Credit Lecture
Semester 8
4 2 4 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Hakan Akyıldız
Course Objectives At Project II which is the continuation of Project I:
The calculations to be done at the second stage during the ship or marine structure design ability of design project is acquired in the spirit of a team work.
Course Description Design of a ship or marine structures; Longitudinal strength calculations, Constructional details of midship section. Powering calculations and selections of main engine, propeller design and arragement, Freeboard calculations, Engine room arrangement, Other ship type specific calculations and drawings.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I. make the longitudinal strength calculations of a ship or marine structure,
II. make and to draw Constructional details of mid-ship section,
III. make powering calculations and selections of main engine, drawing engine room layout plan,
IV. have the ability to design and make an arrangement of the propeller, Freeboard calculations and control,
V. have ability to do some special calculations and drawings depending on ship’s type, also emphasizes the ability to work effectively in teams and culminates with a major team design experience.
Pre-requisite(s) DEN 441 MIN DD veya/or DEN 441E MIN DD veya/or DEN 4901 MIN BB veya/or DEN 4901E MIN BB ve/and 4. sınıf öğrencisi olmak, 4th grade students
Required Facilities
Textbook Baykal, R., “ Gemilerin Hidrostatiği ve Stabilitesi”, İTÜ yayını
Kafalı, K., “Gemi Formunun Statik ve Dinamik Esasları” Cilt 1, İTÜ yayını
Kafalı, K., “Gemilerin Dizaynı”, İTÜ yayını
Nutku, A., “Gemi Dizaynı”, İTÜ yayını
Sariöz, K., “Gemi İnşaatı Ders Notları (Gemi Ön Dizaynı)”, İTÜ yayını
Periyodikler: Shipping World and Shipbuilder, Motor Ship, Hansa, Naval Architect vs.
Konferanslar: Gemi İnşaatı Teknik Kongreleri, Türk Loydu Konferansları vs.
Other References
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