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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Gemilerde Güç Üretim Sistemlerinin Isıl Optimizasyonu
English Thermal Optimization of Marine Power Plants
Course Code
GEM 434 Credit Lecture
Semester 8
2 2 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Oğuz Salim Söğüt
Course Objectives 1. To introduce theoretical cycles for marine power production systems
2. To establish thermodynamic models for gas and vapor power cycles and carry out thermodynamic cycle analysis based on the 1st law of thermodynamics
3. To provide working knowledge on exergy analysis of gas and vapor power cycles.
4. To demonstrate the utility of thermoeconomic analysis
Course Description Introduction to marine power plants, Thermodynamic fundamentals of plant analysis, Gas power cycles, Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Brayton cycle, The second law analysis of gas power cycles, Rankine cycle, the second law analysis of vapor power cycles, cogeneration, combined gas-vapor power cycles. Thermoeconomic optimization
Course Outcomes Students who pass this course will be able to:
I. Describe theoretical cycles of power generation systems in ships
II. Demonstrate the knowledge of fundamentals of thermodynamics for cycle analysis and exergy analysis of power plants
III. Describe the theoretical cycles for simple and advanced vapor power cycles and carry out cycle analysis calculations
IV. Describe the theoretical cycles for simple and advanced gas power cycles and carry out cycle analysis calculations
V. Carry out thermodynamic analysis of cogeneration and combined systems
VI. Describe the theoretical cycles for internal combustion egines and carry out cycle analysis calculations .
VII. Describe the fundamentals of thermoeconomy and carry out a case study.
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