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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Deniz Araçları Tasarımı
English Marine Vehicle Design
Course Code
DEN 306E Credit Lecture
Semester 6
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Burcu Erbaş
Course Objectives The main goal of this course is to teach the main concepts of ship design and how to apply these concepts in solving practical ship design problems. The course aims to provide the student with:
1. A good knowledge of methods and tools for the design of ships and marine vehicles

2. An appreciation and good understanding of various issues in ship design and the interactions and conflicts between performance requirements

3. An ability to combine the knowledge and expertise in different subjects to design a complex product in an iterative manner
Course Description Design characteristics of ships and other marine vehicles, Basic definitions and geometric properties of ships, Principles of ship design, Ship design methods; systematic and parametric analyses, optimization techniques, Selection of main dimensions and hull form parameters, Freeboard and tonnage calculations, Hull form design, Weight groups and preliminary weight assessment, Resistance and power prediction, Preliminary stability assessment, Structural design and analysis, Hydrodynamic considerations, Economics and cost estimate.
Course Outcomes On completing this course students will be provided with:
I. An expertise on main design characteristics of different types of marine vehicles.
II. A good knowledge of methods and tools for the design of ships and marine vehicles
III. An appreciation and good understanding of various issues in ship design and the interactions and conflicts between performance requirements
IV. An ability to combine the knowledge and expertise in different subjects to design a complex product in an iterative manner.
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