GEM 327E - Ship Hydrodynamics(Resistance)
Course Objectives
The main aim of this course is to give students an understanding the flow pattern around the ships, forces acting on the ships due to flow pattern, and predicting the resistance (drag) and powering of ships.
Course Description
General Concepts of Resistance- Forces Acting on Ship (Dimensional Analysis, Reynolds and Froude Numbers and Components of Resistance) (2 Weeks)
Viscous Flow (Resistance)– Laminar and Turbulent Flows (2 Weeks)
Wave (Kelvin) Pattern and Wave Resistance (2 Weeks)
Model Tests and Systematic Hull Series (3 Weeks)
Resistance in Restricted Water and Blockage Effect (2 Weeks)
Other Components of Resistance (Appendage Drag, Air-Wind Resistance etc) (2 Weeks)
Current Ongoing Research on Effective Power Requirement (1 Week)
Course Coordinator
Şakir Bal
Course Language