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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Makina Dairesi Dizayn Prensipl
English Engine Room Design Principles
Course Code
GEM 427 Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 - - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Osman Azmi Özsoysal
Course Objectives 1. To provide students with the principles of engine selection and criteria
2. To provide students with the basic knowledge and logic principles of machinery room design
3. To provide students with the replacement logic the auxiliary machineries and circuits.
Course Description Definition of propulsion chain and their functions. Considerations in the selection of propulsion system elements. Operation characteristics of fixed, controllable pithed and ducted propellers. Introduce of different power transmission such as CODAD, CODOG, CODAG, CONLAG etc. Engine layout diagrams and compatibility of engine-propeller configurations. Ship operations in different load, hull and sea conditions. Vibration in propulsion systems and their consideration in propulsion system selection. Major principles in engine room design, open and closed circuits. Discussion and evaluation of on several factors effecting engine room design.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:

I. Familiarize the design request and requirements according to ship type and main engine properties.
II. Familiarize the relationships and interactions between the systems in engine rooms
III. Demonstrate an ability to analyze and solve the design and arrangement problems
Pre-requisite(s) NONE
Required Facilities
Other References 1. R.L. Arrington, Marine Engineering, SNAME, 1992
2. H.D. McGeorge, Marine Auxiliary Machinery, 7th ed., published by Butterworth & Heinemann, 1995
3. L.D.Simmons, Naval Propulsion Systems, Institute of Defense Analyses, US, 1991
4. J.S.Carlton, Marine Propellers and Propulsion, Butterworth-Hinemann (1994)
5. Project Guides published by different engine manufacturers
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