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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Gemi Boru Donanımları
English Marine Piping Systems
Course Code
GEM 445 Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 2 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Osman Azmi Özsoysal
Course Objectives 1. To provide the principles of piping design calculations and criteria
2. To provide the design logic the piping systems and circuits.
Course Description Principles of design, calculation of piping equipments, isolation, armatures, fitting components. Pipe materials, metal and non-metal pipe materials, sea water-bilge-ballast-trim and sewage systems, fire-tank-heating-lubricating oil and fuel oil systems. Pumps, centrifugal-piston-gear-jet pumps. Characteristics of pumps, serial-parallel pump-pipe characteristics.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I. Familiarize with the hydraulic theory,
II. Demonstrate an ability to analyze and solve the engineering design problems, individually.
III. Gain a view of angle for multi-purposed design logic.
Pre-requisite(s) NONE
Required Facilities
Other References 1. Nayyar, Mohinder L. “Piping Handbook”, 7th press, McGraw-Hill Companies Inc. Publishing, 2000
2. Hodges, Peter Keith Brian, “Hydraulic Fluids”, John Wiley and Sons, 1996.
3. Smith, Peter & Zappe, R.W. (Editors), “Valve Selection Handbook”, 5th press, Gulf Professional Publishing, Elsevier, 2004
4. Harrington, Roy L. (Editor), “Marine Engineering”, The Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, NJ 1992
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