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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Gemi ve Oşinografi Laboratuvarı
English Ship Mod.Tst.&OceanographyLab.
Course Code
DEN 451E Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 1 - 2
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Yalçın Ünsan
Course Objectives Introduction, Photo-elasticity Measurement, Strain-gauge Measurement, Salinity Measurement,
Dissolved O2 Measurement, pH Measurement, PO4
Measurement, Oil Measurement, Using of
GPS and Echo Sounder, Ship Model Experiment Systems, Model Ship Basin (Model Towing
Tank), Resistance, Propulsion, Wake, Flow Visualization, etc. Experiments, Introduction and
general information about ship’s strength lab., Photo-elastic measurement ,Strain-gauge
Course Description 1.To know some insturements for oseanographic measurements
2. To measure basic oceanographic parameters
3. To evaluate the measuring results
4. Ship Model Experiment Systems
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course learn;
1. Model experimental systems
2. Determination of ship’s values from model experimental results
3. Salinity, temperature and pH measurement
4. Mesurement of oil concentration in bilge water
5. Dissolved O2 concentration in seawater.
6. Otrification and the measurement of PO4
and using of GPS and Video Sounder
7. Definitions and general concepts in ship strength
8. Basic laws, basic measurements and measurement systems.
Required Facilities
Textbook Yonsel F.; Bilgin , Guney, Ceren; Deniz Bilimleri Laboratuvar Föyü
(Textbook) Laboratory Text Book: Prepared By Assoc.Prof.Dr. Fatma Yonsel & Res. Assist.
MSc. Ceren Bilgin Guney
Yalçın ÜNSAN; Deniz Bilimleri Laboratuvar Föyü,
Laboratory Text Book: Prepared By Assis. Prof. Yalçın ÜNSAN
Other References Greenberg A.E, Clesceri L.S., Eaton A.D.( Edited by) ,1992 APHA AWWA Standart
Methods For the Examination of Water and Waste water 18.th Edition
Bearman G. ( Edited by), 1989, Seawater: Its Composition, Properties and
Behavior,Pergamon Press Ltd
Dr. Y. Müh. K. Ertan Gülgeze, 1985, Mukavemette Deneysel Yöntemler ve
Gemilerde Uygulanması, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi.
JAMES F. DOYLE Modern Experimental Sterss Analysis, 2004, John Willey And
Sosns LTD
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