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Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic

Objective: Water adjustment
Content: During the program, despite a condition of having allergy to the chlorine, students are not permitted to use swim goggles. Unless there is a problem with the facility, the classes will always be held in the Olympic-size swimming pool.

Giving the instructions about the class.
Explaining and showing the swimming related warm up exercises.
Showing the entrance to the water (It is strictly not permitted to enter the pool (water) unless the instructor is attended to the class and unless the instructor permits, the students should not release to hold the wall)
Submerging the body and the head fully underwater with holding breath, eyes fully opened (able to wait comfortably underwater with holding the breath, eyes opened, for 30-40 secs.)
Performing prone-float on water without exhaling, eyes opened, with holding the wall (able to perform prone-float for 30-40 secs. with holding breath, without closing the eyes, arms and legs in straight streamlined position, comfortably and without moving)
Gliding on, in, under water with maintaining a streamlined position with arms extended in front of the body, holding breath, eyes opened with a strong push with legs from the wall. (able to glide 5-10m for 30-40 secs. till got out of breath)
Performing standing dive from the wall and from the starting block and able to wait in water comfortably, for the last 15-20 mins. of the class

Objective: Floating on and under the water. Exhaling into the water
Content: Opening eyes under the water; exhaling into the water, gliding and floating on and under the water with eyes fully opened.

Performing prone-float on water with holding the wall.
Understanding how body position changes with the movement of the head, while performing prone-float while holding the wall.
Performing supine and prone deadman float on water, without external help.
Performing mushroom float and T-float without external help.
Gliding on, in, under water with maintaining a streamlined position with arms extended in front of the body, holding breath, eyes opened with a strong push with legs from the wall.
Learning to feel the water during executing different modes of moving hands and arms in the water.
Performing standing dive from the wall and from the starting block and able to wait in water comfortably, for the last 15-20 mins. of the class

Objective: Floating on and under the water. Exhaling into the water. Feeling the water during moving the hands and arms in water.
Content: Floating and gliding on and under water with eyes fully opened; explaining exhaling in water; executing exhaling in water while going under water vertically; feeling the water with hands and arms during moving them in water.

Performing supine and prone deadman float.
Performing mushroom float.
Performing T-float.
Explaining exhaling in water and executing while holding the wall.
Exhaling in water with a body position vertical to the ground.
Executing exhaling in water 10 times consecutively.
Repeating glidings.
Playing with water. Feeling the water with hands and arms during moving them in water.
Explaining flutter kick and performing during sitting on the wall.
Performing standing dive from the wall and from the starting block and then gliding in water with pushing the bottom of the pool with both legs for the last 15-20 mins. of the class

Objective: Exhaling into the water (nargile/waterpipe). Flutter kick.
Content: Repeating floating and gliding on and under water exercises with eyes fully opened; executing exhaling in water while going under water vertically, 10-50 times, non-stop; feeling the water with hands and arms and legs during moving them in water. Practicing flutter kick while sitting on the wall and holding the wall.

Performing exhaling in water (nargile/waterpipe) vertical to the water (10-50 times, consecutively, non-stop).
Explaining the flutter kick mechanics out of the water and executing in water while sitting on the wall (5mins, non-stop).
Executing exhaling in water (nargile/waterpipe) horizontal to the water using pull-buoy (10-50 times, consecutively, non-stop).
Swinging the legs while sitting on the wall and in water, stepping on the step in the pool and feeling the water with the legs.
Flutter kick with using kick-boards (10-15m.)
Moving the arms and hands in water while stepping on the step in the pool and feeling the water.
Executing flutter kick after gliding on water, body in streamline position, arms in front of the body, head between the arms, face downward.

Objective: Exhaling into the water (nargile/waterpipe). Flutter kick.
Content: Executing exhaling in water while going under water vertically, 50 times, non-stop. Describing the mechanics of flutter kick. Performing the flutter kick with kick board vertically and horizontally in water. Combining flutter kick and breathing in good coordination.

Performing exhaling in water (nargile/waterpipe) vertical to the water (50 times, consecutively, non-stop).
Performing leg swing in water, stepping on the step in the pool.
Explaining the flutter kick mechanics out of the water and executing in water while sitting on the wall (kicking while holding the wall will be practiced according to the level of the class).
Swinging the legs while hugging the kick board in water.
Combining flutter kick with breathing while hugging the kick board.
Practicing flutter kick with kick board, horizontal, perpendicular and vertical to the water.
Flutter kicking and breathing with kick board (non-stop kicking, exhaling for 6 kick and then inhaling, shoulders in the water, breathing from forward) (8 x 50m.) (resting with exhaling in water, nargile).
Combining flutter kick after gliding on water, body in streamline position, arms in front of the body, head between the arms, face downward, with kick board.
Performing standing dive from the wall and from the starting block and then gliding in water with pushing the bottom of the pool with both legs, without board, for the last 15-20 mins. of the class

Objective: Exhaling into the water (nargile/waterpipe). Long distance flutter kick (front crawl/backstroke).
Content: Performing the flutter kick with kick board (long distance). Combining flutter kick and breathing in good coordination (long distance).

Performing exhaling in water (nargile/waterpipe) vertical to the water (50 times, consecutively, non-stop).
Performing exhaling in water (nargile/waterpipe) horizontal to the water with pullbuoy (20 times, consecutively, non-stop).
Explaining front crawl flutter kick mechanics out of the water and performing flutter kick while sitting on the wall (10 nargile/waterpipe for resting)
Performing flutter kick siting on wall, lying on back (10 nargile/waterpipe for resting)
Performing flutter kick in water, arms resting on the wall (10 nargile/waterpipe for resting)
Swinging both legs in water while hugging the kick board
Performing flutter kick while hugging the kickboard perpendicular to the water, on supine and prone positions (2 – 4 x 50m.) (10 nargile/waterpipe for resting)
Combining gliding and flutter kick with kick board (arms stretched in front of the body, resting on the kick board, head out of the water, easy breathing out of the water)
Performing standing dive from the wall and from the starting block and then gliding in water with pushing the bottom of the pool with both legs, without board, for the last 15-20 mins. of the class.

Objective: Exhaling into the water (nargile/waterpipe). Long distance flutter kick (front crawl/backstroke).
Content: Performing the flutter kick with kick board (long distance). Combining flutter kick and breathing in good coordination (long distance).

Combining breathing (nargile/waterpipe) with flutter kick (while legs are kicking non-stop, performing only 1 inhaling and exhaling during 6 kicks, without pushing on the wall, without lifting the shoulders out of the water) (6 kicks-1 breath) (number of the kicks is depending to the swimmers, with his/her own rhythm)
Performing 500 m. front crawl flutter kick, with kickboard, head out of the water, breathing comfortably.
Performing 500 m. backstroke flutter kick, with kickboard, breathing comfortably.
Performing 500 m. front crawl flutter kick, with kickboard, exhaling in water, 6 kicks – 1 breath.
Explaining side kick and performing with holding the wall (holding the wall with one arm stretched in front of the body, the other arm attached to the corresponding leg, head lied on the shoulder, whole body turned 90 degrees to the water line). With right and left arms.
Performing standing dive from the wall and from the starting block and then gliding in water with pushing the bottom of the pool with both legs, without board, for the last 15-20 mins. of the class.

Objective: Combining side kick with breathing.
Content: Side kick. 6 flutter kick-6 side kick. 6 flutter kick-breathing from side.

400 m. side kick with kick board.
400 m. 6 side kick-6 flutter kick with kick board.
400 m. 6 flutter kick-breathing from side with kick board.
200 m. side kick without kick board.
200 m. 6 side kick-6 flutter kick without kick board.
200 m. 6 flutter kick-breathing from side without kick board
Explaining arm mechanics out of the pool.

Objective: Combining side kick with breathing. Explaining armstroke mechanics (downsweep-catch-insweep)
Content: Performing side kick; 6 flutter kick-6 side kick; 6 flutter kick-breathing from side without kickboard. Armstroke mechanics.

Explaining armstroke mechanics out of the pool.
Practicing throwing with ball and swim cap out of the water.
200 m. side kick without kick board.
200 m. 6 side kick-6 flutter kick without kick board.
200 m. 6 flutter kick-breathing from side without kick board .
Practicing catching, down-insweep armstroke and feeling water with hands (sculling).
Performing in-water-sweeping armstroke with breathing, flutter kick and side kick during holding the pool side wall.
Performing standing dive from the wall and from the starting block and then gliding in water with pushing the bottom of the pool with both legs, without board, for the last 15-20 mins. of the class.
10 LESSON 10

Objective: Combining side kick with breathing and in-water armstroke mechanics (downsweep-catch-insweep)
Content: Performing side kick and in-water armstroke with kickboard: 6 flutter kick – downsweep/catch/insweep – 6 side kick; 6 flutter kick – downsweep/catch/insweep – breathing from side without kickboard. 2 consecutive in-water armstroke, breathing from one side with kickboard. After in-water armstroke, the hand will recover inside the water (no out-water armstroke).

2 x 200 m. 6 flutter kick – downsweep/catch/insweep – 6 side kick with kickboard.
2 x 200 m. 6 flutter kick – downsweep/catch/insweep – breathing from side with kickboard.
2 x 200 m. consecutive in-water armstrokes, breathing from one side with kickboard.
Performing standing dive from the wall and from the starting block and then gliding in water with pushing the bottom of the pool with both legs, without board, for the last 15-20 mins. of the class.
11 LESSON 11

Objective: Explaining out-water arm mechanics (outsweep, high elbow). Combining side kick with breathing and whole armstroke mechanics (downsweep – catch – insweep – outsweep – high elbow)
Content: Performing side kick and whole armstroke with kickboard: 6 flutter kick – in-water armstroke – 6 side kick – lifting elbow to the highest position and fingers entering water first after shoulder rotation; 6 flutter kick – in-water armstroke – breathing from side during lifting elbow to the highest position and fingers entering water first after shoulder rotation with kickboard. consecutive whole armstrokes, breathing from one side with kickboard (watch out for high elbow and position of the elbow on metacenter). Performing backstroke flutter kick and body rotation.

400 m. 6 flutter kick – in-water armstroke – 6 side kick – lifting elbow to the highest position and fingers entering water first after shoulder rotation with kickboard.
400 m. 6 flutter kick – in-water armstroke – breathing from side during lifting elbow to the highest position and fingers entering water first after shoulder rotation with kickboard.
400 m. consecutive whole armstrokes, breathing from one side with kickboard.
100 m. backstroke flutter kick, arms positioned near the body without kickboard.
100 m. 6 backstroke flutter – 6 side kick with rotating body to right – 6 backstroke flutter kick – 6 side kick with rotating body to left, arms positioned near the body without kickboard.
100 m. 6 backstroke flutter kick – right shoulder rotation – 6 backstroke flutter kick – left shoulder rotation, arms positioned near the body without kickboard.
100 m. backstroke flutter kick, arms positioned in front of the body without kickboard.
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