KIM 101E - General Chemistry I
Course Objectives
1.To teach the basic concepts and principles of chemistry.
2.To provide the theoretical and practical knowledge together.
3.To improve the ability of problem solving skill and to make critical decisions.
4.To give the importance of chemistry on the daily life.
5.To help the students thinking positively, logical and to understand the
principles of nature.
Course Description
Kimya ve stokiyometri, atomlar ve atom teorileri, periyodik cetvel ve bazı
atomik özellikler, kimyasal bağlar, moleküler geometri,gazlar ve gaz yasaları,
sıvılar, katılar, çözeltiler ve fiziksel özellikleri, termokimya, kimyasal denge,
asit ve bazlar, termodinamik
Course Coordinator
Barış Kışkan
Barış Kışkan
Barış Kışkan
Course Language