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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Modern Ortadoğu
English Modern Middle East
Course Code
ITB 214 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Mustafa İnce
Course Objectives 1. introducing the students to the main historical processes in the modern Middle East.
2. providing the students with the basic information about the geography and history of the region needed to understand contemporary conditions and events.
3. introducing the student to the social and cultural richness and diversity of the region and its peoples.
4. Equipping the students with the knowledge of general characteristics and problems in the region with reference to specific countries.
Course Description Tanışma, Dersin Tanıtımı, Kaynaklar; Bizans ve Persler Arasında Ortadoğu: Kültürel Özellikler; Emeviler ve Abbasiler: Siyasi Sorunlar; İslam Kültürünün Altınçağı: Endülüsten Çin’e Ortak Kültürün Temelleri; Osmanlı İdaresinde Ortadoğu; 19. Yüzyılda Ortadoğu’da Modernleşme ve Batı Etkisi; I. Dünya Savaşı ve Ortadoğu’da Yeni Düzen(sizlik): Filistin Sorunu, Manda ve Ulus Devletler; II. Dünya Savaşı’dan Sonra Ortadoğu; Mısır: Pan-Arabizm ve Teritoryal Milliyetçilik; Suriye ve Irak: Baas Partisi ve Arap Sosyalizmi; İran: Monarşiden Cumhuriyete Devrim ve Mezhepçilik; Suudi Arabistan: Petrol ve Uluslararası Düzenin Etkisi; Arap Baharı; Devamlılıklar ve Kırılmalar Karşısında Ortadoğu”nun Geleceği Hakkında Değererlendirme
Course Outcomes 1.identify and provide a summary of the historical processes that have shaped the modern Middle East, such as colonialism, political imperialism, nationalist movements and state formation, democratisation, movements of religious and social reform, industrialisation, urbanisation and globalisation.
2.be able to account for historical explanations of the emergence of the Middle East as a concept and a geopolitical region and the impact of these on our understanding of the region
3.describe and problematise past and present processes of democratisation and state formation from the point of view of discussions of nationalism, secularism, religious revival and the situation of minorities.
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