MUH 324 - Advanced Numerical Analysis
Course Objectives
1. To learn advanced numerical methods by theoretical and algorithmic ways
2. To earn qualifications of mathematical modelling and numerical analysis of advanced numerical methods
3. To analysis complex and many unknowns systems
4. Construct numerical algorithms in advanced level
Course Description
1. Solutions of ordinary differential equations and system by Runge-Kutta method
2. Adaptive and multi-steps Runge-Kutta methods
3. Pade approximants, Aitken method, Epsilon and Eta algorithms
4. Orthogonal polynomials and least square method; Chebyshev polynomials, Fourier series
5. Boundary value problems for ordinary differential equations
6. Linear and nonlinear shooting methods
7. Numerical solutions of partial differential equations
8. Introduction to finite element methods
Course Coordinator
Ahmet Kırış
Course Language