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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Fizik II
English Physics II
Course Code
FIZ 102E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Berna Morova
Course Objectives The objectives of this course are to tease out the laws of electromagnetism from our everyday experience by specific examples of how electromagnetic phenomena manifest themselves. We want to be able:
To describe, in words, the ways in which various concepts in electromagnetism come into play in particular situations;
To represent these electromagnetic phenomena and fields mathematically in those situations;
And to predict outcomes in other similar situations.
The overall goal is to use the scientific method to come to understand the enormous variety of electromagnetic phenomena in terms of a few relatively simple laws.
Course Description General Physics II is a continuation of General Physics I. University Physics II introduces electrical and magnetic phenomena in nature, including the concepts of electrical charges, electric and magnetic fields, the application of Gauss' Law, electric potential, conductors and insulators, currents, basic circuits, and induction.
Course Outcomes Students will be able to demonstrate the following skills when analyzing
situations involving electrostatic fields and potentials and their sources,
currents, voltage, capacitance, power, basic electrical circuits, magnetic
fields and their sources, and induction:
1. Students will be able to conduct qualitative analysis which
demonstrates physical and mathematical intuition and conceptual
2. Students will be able to perform quantitative calculations in situations
involving electric and magnetic fields, and demonstrate knowledge of
the relevant basic units, vector addition, and application of basic
Required Facilities
Textbook H. D. Young and R. A. Freedman, University Physics 12th-14th Ed. Pearson (2008, 2016).
Other References 1. D. C. Giancoli, Fen Bilimcileri ve Mühendislik için Fizik (Dördüncü Baskıdan Çeviri), Akademi (2009).
2. D. Halliday, R. Resnick & J. Walker, Fundamentals of Physics (8th Ed.), John Wiley (2008).
3. R. A. Serway & J. W. Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers (7th Ed.), Brooks Cole (2007).
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