MAT 331E - Partial Differential Equations
Course Objectives
1. To develop a basic understanding of occurrence of the partial differential equations and
related problems; such as, initial value, boundary value and initial-boundary value
problems in the real world.
2. To develop a basic understanding of the theory and methods of solutions for these
Course Description
The single first order equations; general solutions of linear and quasi-linear equations and Cauchy
problem, nonlinear equations. Second order linear equations in two independent variables; Cauchy
problem and classification, canonical forms. One dimensional wave equation; Cauchy problem,
D’Alembert’s solution, Inhomogeneous wave equation. Elliptic equations; Laplace equation, maxmin
principle, boundary value problems and Green’s functions.
Parabolic equations; initial and boundary value problems, fundamental solutions and
Green's functions. Analytical methods of solution; separation of variables and integral
transform techniques.
Course Coordinator
Cihangir Özemir
Course Language