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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Analitik Kimya & Enst Analizi
English Analytical Chemistry and Instrumental Analysis
Course Code
KIM 206 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ferah Çalışır
Course Objectives 1.To provide a rigorous background in fundamental principles of analytical
2.To develop an appreciation for judging the accuracy and precision of
experimental data
3.To introduce a wide range of techniques of modern analytical chemistry
Course Description Introduction and basic concepts, Errors in chemical analysis, Aquous solutionsand Chemical equilibrium, Effects of electrolytes on Ionic Equilibria,
Application of equilibrium Calculations to complex systems, Gravimetric
Methods of Analysis, Titrimetric Methods of Analysis, Precipitation Titrimetry,
Theory of Neutralization Titrations, Complex-Formation Titrations,
Introduction to Electrochemistry and Applications, Introduction to
Atomic and Molecular Absorption Spectroscopy, Molecular Fluorescence
Introduction to Chromatographic Methods, Gas and High-Performance Liquid Chromatography
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1.Use the concepts of the fundamentals of analytical chemistry
2.Develop an appreciation for the accuracy and precision of experimental data
3.Investigate chemical equilibrium and effect of electrolytes on Ionic
4.Calculate the equilibrium for complex systems
5 Comprehend the fundamentals of gravimetric, titrimetric methods
6. Calculate the problems of various types of titrimetric methods
7.Comprehend the fundamentals of electrochemistry and calculate related
8.Comprehend the fundamentals of Spectrochemical Methods, apply
Atomic and Molecular
Absorption Spectroscopy, Molecular Fluorescence Spectroscopy,
9.Comprehend Fundamentals of Chromatographic Methods, Gas and High
-Performance LiquidChromatography
Required Facilities
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