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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Textile Finishing Processes
English Textile Finishing Processes
Course Code
TEK 412E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Umut Kıvanç Şahin
Course Objectives 1. To introduce the methods and technologies on dry and wet finishing processes
2. The ability to choose dry or wet finishing processes to be applied to fabric considering the desired quality and end use of the product
Course Description Wet or dry finishing processes like drying, press, decature, shearing, raising, felting, washing, shrinking, sanforization. Functional finishing like enzymatic finishing, softening finishes, flame-retardant finishes, UV protection finishes, antimicrobial finishes, anti-odor and fragrance finishes etc..
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will have:
I. Knowledge on chemical finishing
II. The ability to choose and apply the method and technology of finishing treatment needed to add a desired property to the product
III. The ability to comment on the effects of finishing on fabric properties
IV. The ability to troubleshoot the faults on textile material
Pre-requisite(s) TEK 312 or 316E MIN DD
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Textbook 1. W.D. Schindler and P. J. Hauser, “Chemical finishing of textiles”, 2004, ISBN 1-85573-905-4, Woodhead Publishing, England
2. D. Heywood, “Textile Finishing”, 2003, ISBN 0-901956-81-3, Society of Dyers and Colourists, England
3. C.M. Carr, “Chemistry of the textiles industry”, 1995, ISBN 0-7514-0054-8, Blackie Academic and Professional, UK
4. A.Cavaco-Paulo and G.M. Gübitz, “Textile processing with enzymes”, 2003, ISBN 1-85573-610-1, Woodhead Publishing, England
Other References -
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