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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Moda Tasarımı için tekstilin Temelleri
English Fundamentals of Textiles for FD
Course Code
MOD 152 Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 - - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Osman Bülent Özipek
Course Objectives • Introduction of the technologies from fibre finished garments in textile industry.
• Detailing of production parameters and mill organisation.
• Basic approaches which help students develop their abilities in designing different types of garments and in producing them.
Course Description This is a survey course designed for students who major in a fashion related curriculum or have a general interest in textile materials. While no single course has sufficient hours to provide the in-depth understanding of concepts and principles required of students who wish to specialise in textiles or textile products development. The course of study is quite broad; covering all basic elements from fibres through the transformation of raw textiles into finished goods. The course provides insights into textile manufactures but primarily concentrates on general textile applications relative to end-use consumer products. The course introduces students to a professional terminology, which will allow them to effectively communicate with textile producers. It also provides fundamental insights that allow an appreciation of the relative value of textile products and the appropriateness of given textile utilizations.
Course Outcomes • A knowledge of textile technologies
• An ability to understand the combination of fibres, products properties and design tools
• An ability to design different garment types for different end-uses
• An ability to understand comfort and performance properties
• An ability to design garments in the light of technical parameters for fashion
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities xx
Other Companies having modern production facilities are visited
Textbook - Cohen, A.C.; Johnson, I., “Fabric Science Tenth Edition”, 2012, Fairchild Books, ISBN 978-1-60901-380-6
Other References - Oxtoby, E., Spun Yarn Technology, Butterworth&Co (Publishers) Ltd.,1987, ISBN 0408014644
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