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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Elyaf Bilgisi
English Fiber Science
Course Code
TEK 114E Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 3 - 1
Course Language English
Course Coordinator İkilem Göcek
Course Objectives 1. Giving some information to the students about the textile fibers.
2. Teaching the characteristics and the production methods of these fibers.
3. Introducing the newly produced fibers.
4. Informing the students about the effects of textile fiber properties on the other textile processes and treatments.
Course Description Production and properties of natural and man-made fibers such as cotton, flax, wool, silk, viscose, acetate, polyamide, polypropylene, polyester, polyacrylic, elastomer etc.. Structure of fibers, polymers, polymerization processes. End-use of fibers.
Course Outcomes 1. To give students information about fibers.
2. To teach the properties and production of these fibers.
3. To inform about new fibers.
4. To teach students the effect of textile fiber properties on other textile processes.
Pre-requisite(s) NONE
Required Facilities
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