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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Internship-Career Exploration
English Internship-Career Exploration
Course Code
PAZ 208 Credit Lecture
Semester 4
2 - 4 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Osman Bülent Özipek
Course Objectives 1.The ability to learn maximizing worksite learning experiences and internship possibilities and benefits.
2.The ability to learn identifying and explaining career-path fits.
3.The ability to learn demonstrating basic professional written and oral communication skills.
4.The ability to learn demonstrating basic critical thinking skills.
5.The ability to learn employing basic professional business practices and ethics.
Course Description Helping students learn how to maximize worksitelearning experiences and identify career paths.
Course Outcomes 1. The ability to learn maximizing worksite learning experiences and internship possibilities and benefits.
2.The ability to learn using self-assessment and -reflection skills to describe their own personal values, passions, talents, strengths, and professional skills.
3.The ability to learn examine time- and life-management strategies.
4.The ability to learn employing descriptive language in writing compelling cover letters, resumes, and emails to targeted organizations.
5.The ability to learn differentiating between active and passive thinking and exhibit.
6.The ability to learn exhibiting the basic social and negotiation skills necessary in the workplace.
7.The ability to learn recognizing the value of teamwork and positive leadership.
Pre-requisite(s) xx
Required Facilities xx
Other InternshipCenter classrooms are treated as business meetings where instructors from the industry serve as team leaders and utilize a variety of interactive approaches.
Textbook xx
Other References xx
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