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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İplik Eğirme Teknolojileri
English Yarn Spinning Technologies
Course Code
TEK 304E Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 2 1 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Nazan Okur
Course Objectives 1. To explain the working principles of the roving and spinning machines.
2. To give the students an ability to design and produce yarns by selecting the appropriate fiber, machine and process combinations.
3. To give the students an ability to differentiate the end-uses and properties of different yarn types.
4. To teach how to perform a production plan in the spinning mill.
Course Description Explanation of the working principles of the spinning machines. Description and explanation of yarn types, structures and properties and their end-uses. Determination of necessary fiber and process types for the design and production of yarns specific for a desired purpose. Computations for determining the production of a spinning mill.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
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