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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İplik Üretimi:Temelleri ve Endüstriyel Uygulamalar
English Yarn Formation:Fund.&Ind.App.
Course Code
PAZ 220 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 2 - 2
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Nazan Okur
Course Objectives This course teaches the fundamental principles of short staple, long staple and filament yarn formation:

the objectives and importance of opening, cleaning, blending, mixing, combing, drafting, and twisting of yarn.

Quality and costing parameters that affect aesthetics, evenness and performance are studied.

Emphasis is placed on the practical application of technical and novelty yarns in current markets.

In the laboratory portion of this course, students analyze, determine and document physical properties of yarn using industry-standard techniques and communication practices.
Course Description This course teaches the fundamental principles of short staple, long staple and filament yarn formation:

the objectives and importance of opening, cleaning, blending, mixing, combing, drafting, and twisting of yarn.

Quality and costing parameters that affect aesthetics, evenness and performance are studied.

Emphasis is placed on the practical application of technical and novelty yarns in current markets.

In the laboratory portion of this course, students analyze, determine and document physical properties of yarn using industry-standard techniques and communication practices.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
Other References
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