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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Sentetik Filament İplik Üretim ve Tekstüre Teknolojileri
English Synthetic &Textured Yarn Prod.
Course Code
TEK 467E Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 22 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ali Demir
Course Objectives 1. To provide the production technologies of the synthetic fibers and filament yarns
2. To teach the false-twist texturing technology and to provide information with regard to the false-twist textured yarn properties
3. To teach the air-jet texturing process and to provide information with regard to the air-jet textured yarn properties
Course Description Synthetic fibers, the share and the producers of the synthetic fibers in the fiber production of the world and Turkey, Synthetic fiber production techniques, wet spinning, acrylic fiber production technology and stuffer box crimping, dry spinning and acetate, viscose and Lyocell fibers production technologies, melt spinning and polyester, polyamide and polypropylene filament yarn production technologies, properties of filament yarns, texturing and texturing technologies, false-twist texturing technology, the properties of false-twist textured yarns and their quality parameters, intermingling, de-torque techniques and air-covering process, air-jet texturing technology, the properties of air-jet textured yarns and their quality parameters, hot air-jet texturing and BCF yarn production, other (Chemical, differential shrinkage, bi-component) texturing technologies, novel and innovative texturing techniques and the future potential of texturing technologies
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will be able to:
I. differentiate which synthetic fibres is produced by which technique,
II. know which fabric properties are the results of the optical, thermal and hand properties of filament yarns,
III. have knowledge with regard to the production techniques as well as the properties of false-twist textured yarns,
IV. have knowledge with regard to the production techniques as well as the properties of air-jet textured yarns,
V. have knowledge with regard to the production techniques as well as the properties of BCF yarns ant its contriution to carpet,
VI. differentiate a filament yarn from spun staple yarn and name which techniques that yarn has been textured.
Pre-requisite(s) tTEK 112 orTEK 112E
Required Facilities Not necessary
Other ..
Textbook DEMIR, A., Sentetik Filament I·plik Üretim ve Tekstüre Teknolojileri, I·stanbul, Mart 2006.
ISBN 975-97055-2-4
Other References 1. DEMIR, H. M. Behery, Synthetic Filament Yarn Texturing Technology, Prentice Hall, New York 1997. ISBN 0-13-440025?
2. J. W. S. Hearle, L. Hollick and D. K. Wilson, Yarn Texturing Technology, Woodhead Publishing, 2001, ISBN 1 85573 575 X
3. F. Fourne, Synthetic Fibers, Hanser Publishers, Munich, 1999, ISBN 3-446-16072-8 ?
4. H. Ludewig, Polyester Fibers, Wiley Interscience, 1971.
5. V. B. Gupta, V. K. Kothari, Manufactured Fiber Technology, Chapman&Hall, 1997.
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