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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Ön Terbiye İşlemleri
English Pre-treatment Processes
Course Code
TEK 469E Credit Lecture
Semester 7
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Berdan Kalav
Course Objectives 1. To introduce pre-treatment technologies
2. To introduce pre-treatment methods and the properties added to semi-products
Course Description Singeing, desizing, mercerization, bleaching, optical whitening processes. Determination of pre-treatment processes and conditions considering the desired product quality and fiber type. Pretreatment processes for new fibers.
Course Outcomes I. General technological information about pre-treatment methods
II. The ability to determine fiber damage via degree of polymerization and evaluate the effect of pre-treatment process on it
III. The ability to choose pre-treatment steps needed to add a desired property to the product
IV. The ability to determine pre-treatment conditions needed to add a desired property to the product
V. The ability to examine the effects of pre-treatment on coloration process
VI. The ability to comment on whether the fabric faults are of pre-treatment origin or not.
Pre-requisite(s) TEK 312 MIN DD veya TEK 316E MIN DD veya TEK 302E MIN DD
Required Facilities
Textbook KARMAKAR, S. R. Chemical Technology in the Pretreatment Processes of Textiles, Amsterdam : Elsevier, 1999 ISBN: 9780080539478
Other References 1- M. Clark, ed. Handbook Of Textile And Industrial Dyeing Principles, Processes and Types Of Dyes Vol 1 Woodhead Publishing, 2011, Isbn 978-0-85709-397-4 (Online)
2- P. Aniş, Tekstil Ön Terbiyesi, Alfa Basım Yayın Dağıtım Ltd. Şti. 1998, İstanbul, ISBN: 975-316-109-3
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