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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Tekstil ve Hazır Giyim Üretim Yönetimi ve Kontrol
English Text.&Appa.Product.Mng.&Cont.
Course Code
TEK 463E Credit Lecture
Semester 7
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Canan Sarıçam
Course Objectives 1. It presents the basics of management, production planning and control strategies in textile production,
2. It gives an in-dept view of material requirement, capacity and inventory planning, facility layout and production systems, supply chain management and retail business in textile and apparel production
3. It also offers a comprehensive study on forecasting ,decision making, scheduling and project management in textile production
Course Description Overview and organizational structure in textile industry. Production management, competitiveness, strategy and operational decision making. Product and service design, product life cycle. Forecasting methods in textile industry. Textile product development, cost estimation and optimization. Process planning and operation analysis, facility layout. Types of production systems: Push and pull production control systems, JIT, modular, unit. Material Management in textile and apparel production: MRP, MRPII,ERP. Capacity planning for textile production. Capacity planning for textile production. Inventory management in textile production. Job Measurement, Production scheduling, Project Management. Supply Chain Management. Merchandise Planning. Retail Business Fundamentals
Course Outcomes I. Learning the organizational structure of textile companies, process planning, facility layout and location in textile production
II. Using forecasting methods for different textile product groups and deciding production strategies
III. Knowledge about textile product development, cost estimation and optimization
IV. Knowledge about material management strategies: MRP, MRPII, ERP
V. Learning long- range capacity planning in textile production, inventory management strategies
VI. Learning production scheduling, project management,
VII. Learning supply chain management in textile industry
VIII. Knowledge about merchandise planning on different product groups , retail business fundamentals
Pre-requisite(s) (MAT 271 MIN DD
veya MAT 271E MIN DD)
ve (MAT 202 MIN DD
veya MAT 202E MIN DD)
Required Facilities -
Other -
Textbook R.S.Russell, B.W.taylor “Production and operation management”,Prentice Hall,1995
Other References 1. N.Gaither “Production and operations management”,The Dryden Press,1992
2. J.R.Meredith, J.Wiley, “The Management of operations”1992
3. D.J.Tyler “Material Management in Clothing production”BSP Professional Books ,1991,
4. H.S. Jagdev et.al,“Collaborative Systems for Production Management”, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2003
5. M. Wolfe,“Fashion Marketing and Merchandising”, The Goodheart-Willcox Company, 2009
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