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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Konfeksiyon Teknolojisi
English Clothing Technology
Course Code
TEK 343E Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 2 1 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Fatma Kalaoğlu
Course Objectives 1. It presents the basics of clothing technology.
2. It teaches stitch and seam techniques and production systems.
3. It also offers a comprehensive study of retail fundamentals and strategies for success
Course Description General knowledge about clothing industry and its relation with fashion business. Apparel product types, Flow chart in a clothing company, Departments of clothing company, Types of clothing companies, Design and pattern making, grading, Marker planning, Spreading methods and spreading machines, Cutting methods and cutting machines, Cutting planning and Cutting calculations, Stitch types, Seam types, Working principle of sewing machines and its mechanisms, Sewing machine types and apparatus, Pressing methods and pres types, Auxiliary materials and trimming types ,Production planning in a clothing company, Production systems in a sewing department ,line planning and balancing, quality control in a clothing company.
Course Outcomes Students will have,

I. Learning product types and processes in a clothing company,
II. Learning basic knowledge about design, pattern making ,grading and marker planning.
III. Learning spreading and cutting methods and machineries, calculating cut plans.
IV. Learning to cut and spread materials according to specific patterns.
V. Learning how to run sewing machine. Learning to apply different seam techniques on sewing machine.
VI. Learning different stitch types. In laboratory apply lock stitch, overedge stitch and chain stitch. Learning how to choose right types of sewing machine , stitch and seam types for different products
VII. Learning press types and how to use presses.
VIII. Learning the types of types of trimmings and auxiliary materials and how to choose according to end product
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. The Technology of clothing manufacture, Harold Carr, Barbara Latham, BSP Professional Books,1988.
2. Introduction to Clothing Manufacture, Gerry Cooklin,BSP Professional Books,1991.
3. Apparel Manufacturing Handbook, Jacob Solinger, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company,1988.
4. Garment technology for Fashion designers, Gerry Cooklin, BSP Professional Books,1997.
5. Clothing technology- from fibre to fashion, Haan-Gruiten : Europa-Lehrmittel, Nourney, Vollmer, 2004
6. Management of technology systems in the garment industry, Colovic, Gordana, New Delhi : Woodhead, 2011
7. Apparel production management and the technical package, Myers-McDevitt, Paula J, New York : Fairchild ; Oxford : Berg [distributor], c2011
8. Industry clothing construction methods , Shields, Mary Ruth, New York : Fairchild Books, c2011
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