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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Programlama Diline Giriş (FORTRAN)
English Intr.to Prog.Language(FORTRAN)
Course Code
BIL 112E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
2 1 - 2
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Cemil Kurtcebe
Course Objectives 1. to develop enough familiarity with the specific programming environment
2. to develop an understanding of fundamental programming logic and programming techniques
3. to develop the knowledge of editing, compiling, running and debugging of a program
4. to develop a working knowledge on the computer algorithms and programming language of different numerical methods which are used to solve scientific and engineering problems
5 .to emphasize on developing the students ability to analyze and solve problems by using high level programming language
Course Description Introduction to Programming, Flowcharts, Algorithm Design, Introduction to Fortran Programming, Simple I/O, Arithmetic Operators Data Types, Logical Expressions Control Statements : IF Structure, Control Statements : CASE Structure, Repetitive Structure : DO, WHILE Loops, Formatted I/O, File
Processing, Subprograms (Modules, Procedures, functions and Subroutines), Arrays, Basic Engineering Applications
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. understand the syntax and structure of the programming language
2. analyze a problem and develop an algorithm
3. test, compile, debug, and verify the program
4. develop practical programming skills in procedural, nonprocedural, logic, functional
5. design a program to meet requirements of comprehensive examples
6. write appropriate program documentation and report
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities Computer usage
Other None
Textbook Fortran 90 Programming (International Computer Science Series) - T.M.R. Ellis
Pages: 848, Edition: 1, Paperback, Addison Wesley - 1 edition (11 May 1994)
Other References Stephen J. Chapman, 2007, Fortran 95/2003 for Scientists & Engineers,
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