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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Toplum ve Mekan
English Community and Place
Course Code
SBP 607 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator İmge Akçakaya Waıte Jr
Course Objectives In this course, physical environment (home, neighborhood, city, region) which is influential on social and individualistic relations of people with the urban space and society concepts and the interrelation between these concepts will be evaluated.
Course Description Concept of community and space; Environment, place, physical environment and social environment; Space, Architectural space, urban space; Human-environment relationship in open spaces; Examples of human-environment relationship in open spaces; Urban form and community relations; Examples of urban form and community relations; Meanings of place and culture in environmental design; Culture specific environments; Examples of culture specific environments: religion, traditions, customs; Examples of culture specific environments: socio-economic factors; Scenarios for future, cities of the future; Examples of cities of the future; General evaluation
Course Outcomes Graduate students who successfully pass this course gain the following knowledge, skills and proficiencies :
1. Improve the theoritical understanding of space and place
2. Explore the interconnections within and between physical environments and the human world.
3. Learn about different theoretical, conceptual, and applied approaches used in conducting research on space, place, and identity;
4. Develope the skills to perform a critical analysis of spatial environments
5. Learn more about how spatial information, methods, and perspectives are useful in studying various topics at a variety of scales ranging from local to global.
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities
Textbook N/A
Other References 1. Altman, I., Chemers, M. M., Culture and Environment, Cambridge University Press, 1980.
2. Altman, I., Rapoport, A., and Wohlwill, J.F., (Eds.), Environment and Culture: Human Behaviour and Environment, V4, Plenum, New York.
3. Altman, I., Werner, C. M., Home Environments: Human Behavior and Environment, Vol. 8, New York: Plenum, 1985.
4. Arnot, M. L. , Usborn, C., 1999, Gender and Crime in Modern Europe, UCL Press, London.
5. Bachelard, G., 1996, Mekanın poetikası, Çeviren Aykut Derman
6. Crowe, T. D., 2000, Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design, Butterworth- Heinemann, Oxford.
7. Çakın, Ş., 1988, İnsan, Mimari Tasarım, İnsan ve Çevre İlişkileri, Özal Matbaası, İstanbul.
8. Eduardo, E. L., 1993, Community Design and the Culture of Cities, Cambridge University Press.
9. Gehl, J., 1987, Life Between Buildings Using Public Space, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York.
10. Golany, G. S., 1995, Ethics and Urban Design: Culture, Form and Environment, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
11. Goosens, J., Guinee, A., Oosterhoff, W., 1995, Public Space-Design Layout and Management of Public Open Space in Rotterdam.
12. Greed, C., Roberts, M., 1998, Introducing Urban Design: Interventions and Responses, Longman.
13. Greed, C. H., 1994, Women and Planning: Creating Gender Realities, Routledge, London and New York.
14. Greed, C., Roberts, M., 1998, Introducing Urban Design: Interventions and Responses, Longman.
15. Günay, B., 1999, Urban Design is A Public Policy, ODTÜ Mimarlık Fakültesi Yayını, Ankara.
16. Karabağ, S., 2002, Mekanın Siyasallaşması, Nobel Yayınları.
17. Kılıçbay, M. A., 2000, Şehirler ve Kentler, İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
18. Langdon, P., 1994, A Better Place to Live: Reshaping the American Suburb, The University of Massachusetts Press.
19. Moudon, A. V., 1987, Public Streets for Public Use, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York.
20. Mougtin, C., 1992, Urban Design, Street and Square, University of Nottingham, Woodtherworth Architectural Press, Oxford.
21. Parfect, M., Power, G., 1997, Planning for Urban Quality: Urban Design in Towns and Cities, London.
22. Proceedings of the Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of People and Their Physical Surrounding 1990, Culture space history, Şevki Vanlı Foundation for Architecture Joint Publication, Ankara
23. Randolph, T. H. Jr., 1984, Planning Neighbourhood Space with People, USA.
24. Rapoport, A., 1985, Culture and Built Form: Architecture in Cultural Change, Kansas.
25. Rapoport, A., 1977, Human Aspects of Urban Form, Pergamon, Oxford.
26. Rapoport., A., 1990, History and Precedent in Environmental Design.
27. Rasmussen, S. E., 1964, çev. Birsen Doruk: Yaşanan Mimari.
28. Reiss, A. J. Jr., Tonry, M., 1986, Communities And Crime, The University Of Chicago Press , Chicago And London.
29. Sennett, R., 1996, Kamusal İnsanın Çöküşü, Ayrıntı Yayınları.
30. Sennett, R., 1999, Gözün Vicdanı: Kentin Tasarımı ve Toplumsal Yaşam, Ayrıntı Yayınları.
31. Sennett, R., 2002, Ten ve Taş: Batı Uygarlığında Beden ve Şehir, Ayrıntı Yayınları.
32. Simonds, J. O., 1994, Garden Cities 21: Creating a Livable Urban Environment, Mc Graw Hill, New York.
33. Timuremre, N., 2004, Kültürün Mimarlık Üzerindeki Etkisinin İncelenmesi: Japon Kültürü ve Ando Örneği.
34. Trancik, R., 1986, Finding Lost Space: Theories of Urban Design, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York.
35. Tuan, Y., 1977, Space and Place: The Perspective of Experience, University of Minesota, Minneapolis.
36. Turgut, H., 1996, Gecekondu Yerleşimlerinde Kültür ve Mekan Etkileşiminin Saptanması: Örnek: Pınar Yerleşmesi.
37. Turgut, H., Kellett, P. (Ed), 2001, Cultural and Spatial Diversity in The Urban Environment.
38. Turgut, H., 1990, Kültür-Davranış-Mekan Etkileşiminin Saptanmasında Kullanılabilecek bir Yöntem.
39. Whyte, W. H., 1980, The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces, USA.
40. Wilson, R. H., 2002, 20. Yüzyıl Kenti, İmge Kitabevi Yayınları.
41. Zube, I., Moore, G., 1987-1989-1997, Advances in Environment, Behaviour and Design, Vol: 1, 2, 4, Plenum Press: New York.
42. Taylor, G., Spencer, S., 2004, Social Identities: Multidisciplinary Approaches, New York: Routledge.
43. Ehala, M., 2018, Signs of Identity: The Anatomy of Belonging, New York: Routledge.
44. Soja, E. W., 2011, Seeking Spatial Justice, Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
45. Vera, E. M., Kenny, M. E., 2013, Social Justice and Culturally Relevant Prevention, London: SAGE Publications.
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