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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Fizikte istatistiksel metodlar ve hata analizi
English Error Analy. & Stat. Met. in Phy.
Course Code
FIZ 636E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Kerem Cankoçak
Course Objectives 1-) To calculate uncertainties, mean and standard deviation and errors in measurements
2-) To introduce probability, Bayes theorem, mode, variance,confidence and statistics
3-) To analyze common probability distributions, such as binomial, Poisson, Gaussian, chi-squared 4-) To understand error analysis, instrumental and statistical uncertainties; propagation of errors
5-) To learn least square method, minimization techniques, parameter estimation, statistical tests, hypothesis testing, Monte Carlo method
Course Description This course is primarily addressed to physicists and other scientists and engineers who need to evaluate uncertainty in measurement. After a short introduction to the probability theory, the course will focus on the error analysis, hypothesis testing and the comparison of the frequentalist and Bayesian approach. Data simulation techniques will be examined as well.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course will learn:
I. Uncertainties and erros in measurements, mean and standard deviation of distributions
II. Probability theory, distribution functions, Bayes' theorem
III. Probability distributions; Common distributions (binomial, Poisson, Gaussian, chi-squared) IV Error analysis: instrumental and statistical uncertainties; propagation of errors, specific error formulas
V. Least square method, probability tests, Data simulation techniques, Monte Carlo method VI. Parameter estimation, minimization techniques, hypothesis testing, Student's "t" and chi- squared test
VII. Statistical tests, error propagation, statistical vs systematic uncertainty
VIII Advanced parameter estimation: maximum likelihood
IX. Comparison of Bayesian/non-Bayesian methods
Required Facilities To help students learning and comprehending the course material better, 7 or 8 problem sets should be assigned throughout the semester, and their solutions should be returned back in the subsequent week.
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