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MET 618
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Course Name
Alüminyum ve Alaşımları Üretim Teknikleri
Aluminum (Al), its Alloys and Their Production Technologies
Course Code
MET 618
Course Language
Course Coordinator
Özgül Keleş
Özgül Keleş
Course Objectives
1. To teach students phlysophies in the development in aluminum alloys and production Technologies in light of history and what kind of solutions have made to solve in aluminum alloy and technology related problems.
2. To give aluminum alloy design strategies and teach all Alloys develeoped up todate,
3. To investigate the extractive metallurgy processes starting from ores, process-evnvironment and human management cylce management,
4. To understand the economics of aluminum in the world, value chain management in aluminum and its technologies
5. To have gradute who is ready to work in an aluminum industry at home and outside by giving an rich extensive scientific and experience knowledge.
Course Description
Aluminum history, the extractive metallurgies of aluminum metal production. Alloys and alloying elements. Coding systems. Alloy designs and the effect of phases. Newly developed alloys. Aluminum melt treatment, Rafination & Quality control processes, Aluminum casting technologies. Aluminum forming technologies. Simulation of aluminum. Joining, surface treatment, and recycling technologies. Last technology aluminum products. Economics, market, its effects on human and environment.
Course Outcomes
MSc. and Ph.D students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skills and competency in the following subjects;
1. From ores to aluminum metal-from the metal to its alloys, from the alloys to products in the market and from the market to recycling cycle, student will gain an extensive and rich knowledge on aluminum life cycle,
2. Aluminum alloys, production technologies, economics and market share,
3. Strategies related with aluminum alloy making, coding systems and standards,
4. Extensive knowledge will be given aluminum and its alloy and process designs and all related aluminum production technologies,
5. They will be able to use simulation programs in solidification and forming processes,
6. They will gain knowledge on national and international market and economical strategies in aluminum sector.
Required Facilities
1. Handbook of Aluminum Volume 1, Physical Metallurgy and Processes, Edited by , George E. Totten, D. Scott MacKenzie, Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY 2003, ISBN: 0-8247-0494-0.
2. Handbook of Aluminum Volume 2, Alloy Production and Materials Manufacturing, Edited by , George E. Totten, D. Scott MacKenzie, Marcel Dekker, Inc., NY 2003, 3.J. Gilbert Kaufman, Aluminum Alloy Castings, Properties, Processes, and Applications, ASM International, 2004, ISBN: 0-87170-803-5
3. Fundamentals of Aluminum Metallurgy, Productions, Processes, Applications, Ed. By Roger Lumley, Woodhead Publishing, 2011.
4. Control for Aluminum Productions and Other Processing Industries, Mark P. Taylor, John, J,j. Chen, Brent Richmond Young, CRC Pres Group, Taylor and Francis, 2014.
5. Multi Components Phase Diagrams, Applications for Commercial Aluminum Alloys, Nikolay A. Belov, Dimitri, G. Eskin, Andrey, A. Askenov, Elsevier, 2005.
Other References
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